Are you looking for rainy day activities to keep your little ones entertained?

No matter the weather, children have a knack for saying those dreaded words: “I’m bored.” As a parent, it can be a challenge to constantly come up with new and exciting activities to keep them entertained, especially when the weather is terrible, so we’ve compiled a list of children-approved activities that you can save for a rainy day!

1. Make a pillow fort 

The classic living room fort that sparks the creative engineer inside us all. Every child dreams of the day they can create a blanket castle inside their house!

2. Bake something delicious 

Baking doesn’t have to be unhealthy. There are tons of alternative cookie recipes using things like bananas or apple sauce. Look up something yummy and get to baking! Here is a previous blog with lots of tips and hints for getting children involved in the kitchen. 

3. Playdates 

Call a friend and team up to keep your children occupied inside while you and your friend catch up on life over some coffee in the kitchen. It’s a win-win situation.

4. Movie marathon 

Yes, sometimes it’s completely okay to veg out, snuggle up and watch movies all day. Make a bowl of popcorn and let your children pick their favourite movies. 

5. Arts and crafts 

Make some slime, homemade play dough, or something you’ve not tried before. If you’re not the creative type don’t worry there are loads of children’s craft ideas online such as these 100 easy craft ideas.

6. Dance party 

Avoid cabin fever by getting all their energy out with fun music and silly dance moves – this one is for parents as well, because who doesn’t feel better after letting loose for a few minutes?

7. Venture out of the house 

If you’ve got the budget, visiting a museum or aquarium can be a great way to get kids engaged and excited about learning. Many museums and aquariums offer free admission on certain days or have discounted rates for children so always check online before venturing out.

8. Scavenger hunt 

Make a list of things your children are sure to find around the house and send them on a scavenger hunt until they find all the items. Bonus points to whoever can find that one thing you’ve been missing for months.

9. Lip sync battle 

Also known as karaoke, but this sounds way more fun! Play some of your children’s favourite songs and see who can put on the best show. 


Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to be creative and have fun! Rainy days can be a great opportunity for bonding and spending quality time with your little ones. So the next time the weather is less than ideal, don’t let it dampen your spirits. Instead, embrace the rain and enjoy some indoor time together. 

As the famous saying goes, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”