Mealtime with young children can often resemble a battlefield, especially when faced with picky eaters. As parents and caregivers, it’s natural to worry about whether our children are getting the nutrition they need. However, it’s essential to understand that picky eating is a common phase in a child’s development. At Arden Early Learning, we believe in fostering healthy eating habits in children. Here are some tips to help you navigate through the fussy eating phase with children.

  1. Lead by Example:

Children often mimic the behaviours of adults around them. If they see you enjoying a variety of nutritious foods, they are more likely to follow suit. Make mealtimes a positive and relaxed experience by sitting down together as a family whenever possible.

  1. Offer Variety:

Introduce a wide range of foods early on to expand your child’s palate. Include different colours, textures, and flavours on their plates. Encourage them to try new foods, but be patient if they show resistance. It may take several exposures before they develop a liking for certain foods.

  1. Get Creative with Presentation:

Presentation matters, especially for young children. Experiment with fun and creative ways to serve fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. Use cookie cutters to create interesting shapes, arrange food in colourful patterns, or turn meals into games to make them more appealing.

  1. Involve Children in Meal Preparation:

Engage your child in meal preparation activities such as washing vegetables, mixing ingredients, or setting the table. When children feel involved in the process, they are more likely to be excited about trying the final dish.

  1. Stick to a Routine:

Establishing a consistent mealtime routine can help reduce mealtime battles. Aim for three main meals and two snacks each day, served at around the same times. Avoid offering snacks too close to mealtimes, as this may reduce their appetite.

  1. Avoid Pressure and Power Struggles:

Forcing or bribing children to eat certain foods can backfire and create negative associations with mealtimes. Instead, offer choices and let them decide how much they want to eat. Trust their hunger and fullness cues, and remember that it’s okay if they don’t finish everything on their plate.

  1. Be Patient and Persistent:

Patience is key when dealing with fussy eaters. It’s normal for children to go through phases of picky eating, and it usually resolves with time. Stay consistent with your approach, and continue to offer a variety of nutritious foods, even if they refuse them initially.

  1. Seek Professional Help if Needed:

In some cases, picky eating may be a sign of underlying issues such as sensory sensitivities or food aversions. If you’re concerned about your child’s eating habits or growth, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a pediatrician or a registered dietitian.

Dealing with a fussy eater can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that it’s a normal part of childhood development. By following these tips and maintaining a positive attitude towards food, you can help your child develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. At Arden Early Learning, we are committed to supporting families in nurturing happy and healthy children.  

If you are worried about your little one becoming a fussy eater, read our blog post on Nutrition Tips for Toddlers: Building Healthy Habits, its full of great information and useful tips.