Bath time can be a dreaded task for some parents and children, but it doesn’t have to be! With a little creativity and imagination, bath time can be transformed into a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. 

Here are some ideas you can use to make bath time more fun:

1. Add bubbles

Adding bubbles to the bath water can make bath time a more sensory experience and distract children who don’t enjoy having baths. Let your child choose their favourite bubble bath scent and watch as they have fun making bubble beards and hairstyles.

2. Use bath toys

Bath toys can provide endless entertainment for children during bath time. Try using floating boats, rubber duckies, or even bath crayons to encourage imaginative play in the tub. Check out these natural, beeswax bath crayons.

3. Play music

Playing music can create a relaxing atmosphere and help set the mood for bath time. Choose some of your child’s favourite songs and sing along together.

4. Create a sensory experience

You can also use different coloured bath bombs to create a colourful and fun bath and add scented oils to the water to create a sensory experience for your little ones.

5. Make bath time interactive

Use bath time as an opportunity to teach your child about colours, shapes, and numbers. Look for numbers or letters that stick to the wall in your bathroom and make it a learning opportunity. 

6. Use a bath tray

A bath tray can be a great addition to bath time. Use it to hold books, toys, or even snacks to make bath time more fun for you and your child. We love this bath caddy.

We hope you find these ideas helpful and you and your little ones look forward to bath time now! 


Looking for more activity ideas? You might be interested in this blog on DIY sensory bins or this blog with lots of activities for children at home.