Making art with children is a fun and creative activity that can help your little ones develop their artistic skills, explore their imagination, and express themselves. You don’t need to be a super creative or artistic person to enjoy some arty activities at home. Here are some great ideas you could try:

Finger Painting.

A timeless childhood favourite, finger painting is a delightful and messy activity that requires only a few simple supplies. Use washable paint and sturdy paper to create vibrant and imaginative art.

Did you know you can also make your own safe and edible finger paint? Search online for “finger paint for babies” that you can easily prepare at home.

Sticker Art.

Stickers can provide hours of entertainment for young children. Let their imagination run wild as they create pictures and designs on any blank canvas using colourful stickers.

Handprint Art.

Capture precious memories by creating handprint and footprint art. Paint your child’s hand or foot and gently press it onto paper, resulting in a unique and personalised masterpiece – these make great gift ideas for grandparents or loved ones!

Collage Art.

Collage art offers a wonderful opportunity for children to explore various textures and patterns. Provide them with an assortment of materials, such as paper, fabric, and cardboard, and encourage them to craft their own collages.

Playdough Masterpieces.

Offer your child a range of playdough colours and watch as they sculpt sculptures, shapes, and various imaginative creations. You can find a world of playdough activities online for further inspiration.

Stamp Art.

Stamp art presents a fun and easy way for children to create patterns and designs. Give your little ones a variety of stamps and colourful ink and allow their imagination to take over. You can also create stamps from household items like cardboard rolls, vegetables, or seashells.

Nature Art.

Encourage your child to use natural materials like leaves, sticks, and rocks to craft unique works of art. This provides an excellent opportunity for children to explore their surroundings and create something different. The nature hunt to find these items is always a fun and engaging activity as well.

If you enjoy fun and creative activities like this with your children, why not try making one of our DIY sensory bins!